Princess Camryn – Provide For Me
It’s not humiliating to financially provide for a woman. Falling for patriarchal brainwashing is humiliating. Good thing you have evolved past this idea. Women should be submitted to, worshiped, and provided for. When you choose to only worship yourself, you deprive yourself with being in tune with your natural state. Let go of all resistance to provide for a woman. Your energy and stamina were designed for this.
You toil away while I rest and dream up visions of a better tomorrow. You treat your body like My vessel, a tool to be upgraded and dialed in. A well oiled machine, spinning fast and hard for Me. Anything to put a smile on My face. You long to impress Me and please Me. You work so hard to create pleasure for Me. Your true nature is providing for Me.
I keep you motivated as I guide you down the path of servitude. My beauty and gentle but dangerous nature are your north star, your guiding light. This is the only life you should pursue. A life dedicated to giving Me what I want.